


  • 发布时间:2015-01-05
  • 编辑:管理员













1.1、 *吊塔、气体终端为同一品牌,气体终端原厂生产,非OEM、外购第三方品牌产品。提供书面证明文件。

1.2、 吊塔同品牌正压原理专用麻醉废气排放装置,禁止使用直接负压抽吸,提供麻醉废气排放装置结构图文说明文件,备实物备查。

1.3、 吊塔内部气体软管须采用橡胶材质,不得采用PVC材质,备实物备查。

1.4、 吊塔轴承的基本额定动载荷≥10000KG;基本额定静载荷≥60000KG吊塔轴承须采用推力滚针轴承,其滚针硬度≥60HRC。提供证明文件。

1.5、 吊塔采用高强度铝镁合金材料,圆弧形全封闭式设计,表面无锐角,无螺丝钉外露。材料必须防腐蚀,便于清洗。适合医用洁净环境。

1.6、 *所投吊塔品牌必需具有由检测机构出具的防撞测试、承重测试检测通过合格报告,提供测试检测通过合格报告复印件。

1.7、 *所投吊塔品牌为满足中国国家医院建筑抗震规范要求,需提供吊塔地震测试检测通过合格报告复印件。

1.8、 吊塔气电分离设计:吊塔箱体底端必须有氧气泻流孔设计,保证氧气意外泄漏的顺利排出,防止出现塔内氧气蓄积并与电源线造成火灾意外;必须提供图片或实物证明。

1.9、 气体终端要求(提供证明文件):





5)有ISO EN737DIN 13260 认证,吊塔上所配套气体终端须和吊塔为同一品牌,由吊塔制造厂家原厂生产。



2.1、 桥架式吊塔,吊塔主体横梁圆弧形全封闭式设计,表面无锐角,无螺丝钉,吊塔定位准确,下垂头不易漂移。

2.2、 高强度铝镁合金材质,抗金属疲劳强度高,长时间负重不变形。

2.3、 桥架式吊塔横梁长度2200mm-3500mm可供选择,最终可根据医院实际场地情况确定。

2.4、 桥架式吊塔所有电路、气体管道内置于横梁内,通过塔体内走线连接吊头。无需另外通过其他裸露在横梁与吊头之间的管道相连接。

2.5、 桥架式吊塔照明阅读灯,内置于吊塔横梁中和吊塔设备一体,节约空间。

2.6、 桥架式吊塔间接照明灯安装位置在横梁朝天花板方向内,灯光向上照射,夜间不影响病人休息。

2.7、 桥架式吊塔有吊头吊架式结构,吊头两侧为38mm直径不锈钢圆形吊管,中间托盘,前后通透,托盘位于吊头正下方,重心稳固,适宜承载各种规格尺寸的仪器。可以沿横梁水平移动,配备摩擦刹车。提供厂家盖公章图片文字证明文件原件。

2.8、 桥架式吊塔托盘的上下距离可调,可固定在两侧吊杆上任意位置,调整高度后吊杆上不会有任何缺口。提供厂家盖公章图片文字证明文件。

2.9、 桥架式吊塔下垂头吊杆为圆形钢管设计,表面光滑,无缺口。可在吊杆上任意高度位置安装双关节旋转伸展臂、托盘等配件。提供厂家盖公章图片文字证明文件。

2.10、 桥架式吊塔吊架旋转角度≥330°,吊塔的吊头在病床两侧横向运行距离+/-550mm

2.11、 桥架式吊塔承重负载能力≥250Kg,下垂头起重能力≥150Kg

2.12、 桥架式吊塔有吊柱式结构,吊柱长度1000mm

2.13、 配置要求:

1) 下垂头:吊头吊架,配备二层设备托盘,抽拉式抽屉1个,2套;吊柱,配备二层设备托盘, 抽拉式抽屉1个, 2套;

2) 双关节旋转伸展臂,双臂长300mm+300mm 6套;

3) 高度可调输液杆 6套;

4) 德标气体插座:氧气x2,空气x1,负压x22套;氧气x3,空气x2,负压x32套;

5) 中制电源插座:电源插座x72套;电源插座x122套;

6) 网络接口:2个,2套; 4个,2

7) 配卡箍和夹具保证管、线有序的人性化装置。


1、 吊塔吊柱旋转角度≥330°

2、 净载重量100Kg,通过IEC 60601-1 2nd edition4倍承重测试。提供证明文件。

3、 下垂头使用三面棱形吊柱式结构,吊柱三个面都可以安装圆形钢管吊杆,吊杆可安装托盘、旋转输液杆、显示器支臂等附件,吊柱长度1000mm。提供厂家盖公章图片文字证明文件。

4、 托盘、旋转输液杆、显示器支臂高度可通过抱箍任意调节,调整高度后吊杆上不会在原来位置留下缺口。提供厂家盖公章图片文字证明文件。

5、 托盘带导轨,适合安装悬挂各种规格网篮、吸氧装置、负压装置。提供厂家盖公章图片文字证明文件。

6、 配置要求:

(1) 配备二层设备托盘6套;

(2) 抽拉式抽屉1个, 6

(3) 双关节旋转伸展臂2个,双臂长300mm+300mm6 

4 高度可调输液杆 2个,6套。


(1)The Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time): 2015-1-20 14:30;

(2) Delete Section 6 Bid Data Sheet * 13.3.54the product must have the People's Republic of China cast Medical Device Registration Certificate (provide scanned copies, the original reference);

(3).Equipment Requirements

Multi-functional medical cranes 10 sets.

II. Technical Specifications

1, main technical parameters and performance specifications:

1.1, * cranes, gas terminal for the same brand, the original factory production, gas terminal of OEM, outsourcing third party brand goods. Provide written documents.

1.2, cranes with brand positive pressure principle dedicated anesthetic exhaust device, banning the use of negative pressure suction, directly provide anesthesia exhaust device structure graphic description file, prepare material for future reference.

1.3, the rubber material should be used in cranes internal gas hose, shall not use PVC material, prepare material for future reference.

1.4, cranes, bearing the basic dynamic load rating of 10000 kg or more; Basic rated static load or 60000 kg. Should be used in cranes bearing thrust needle roller bearing, the needle roller hardness or 60 HRC. Provide supporting documents.

1.5, cranes with high strength aluminum magnesium alloy materials, fully enclosed design of circular arc form, surface without acute Angle, no screws exposed. Material must be corrosion resistant, easy to clean. Suitable for medical clean environment.

* 1.6 For cranes, brand must have collision test issued by the inspection agencies, bearing test detection through the qualified report, provide test detection through the qualified report copy.

* 1.7 For cranes, brands to meet the requirements of China's national hospital building seismic code, need to offer cranes seismic tests to detect through the qualified report copy.

1.8, cranes gas-electric separation design: cranes must have oxygen in the lower end of the box body of effusion hole design, guarantee the smooth oxygen accidental leakage discharge, and prevent the accumulation of oxygen in the tower and the power cord cause fire accident; Must provide photos or physical proof.

1.9 (provide documents required, gas terminal) :

(1) all gas terminal for the original products, brand with cranes. Gas plug with a positive check valve design, to prevent the reverse gas.

(2) all gas interface must take three status: communication, break, pull, plug socket plug can ensure more than 20000 times, with removable type positive maintenance.

(3) all kinds of gas outlet must be in accordance with ISO standard logo are different colors and different shapes, and have six ball type design, (six ball design pictures or physical proof), have mistakenly put prevention function.

(4) three sealing ring and shell design, make sure that the parts are detachable and can be positive maintenance. (provide physical structure of evidence).

(5) have ISO EN737 or DIN 13260 certification, the cranes on the supporting gas terminal and cranes for the same brand, by the original factory cranes manufacturer production.

2, cranes technical parameter requirements: a total of 10 units

(A) NICU cranes (A) 4

2.1 posture cranes, bridge cranes main beam totally enclosed design of circular arc form, surface without acute Angle, no screws, cranes accurate positioning and the blue is not easy to drift.

2.2, high strength aluminium magnesium alloy material, metal fatigue strength is high, the load deformation for a long time.

2.3, bridge mounted cranes beam length is 2200 mm - 3500 - mm to choose from, finally according to the hospital actual site situation.

2.4, bridge mounted cranes all circuit, gas pipe in the bar, go through the tower body line hanging head. Need other through other bare pipe connected between the beams with hanging head.

2.5 posture cranes reading lamp lighting, bridge, built into beam cranes, cranes and equipment integration, save space.

2.6, bridge frame crane tower indirect lighting installation location within the beam in the direction of the ceiling, lighting up illuminate, does not affect the patient to rest at night.

2.7, bridge mounted cranes hanging head frame type structure, hanging on both sides of the head is 38 mm diameter stainless steel round tube, the middle tray, connect fully, before and after the tray is located in the crane head directly, centre of gravity is strong, suitable for carrying all kinds of the size of the instrument. Can be along the beam horizontal move, equipped with the friction brake. Provide original factory official seal image text documents.

2.8 and bridge type crane tower tray and distance is adjustable, can be fixed on the two side derrick at any position, adjust the height on the derrick after there is no gap. The official seal image text documents provide manufacturer.

2.9, bridge frame under blue derrick crane tower for circular steel tube design, smooth surface, no gap. Can be any height on the derrick position installed double joint rotation stretch arms, tray and accessories. The official seal image text documents provide manufacturer.

2.10 frame crane, bridge crane frame rotation Angle 330 °, or cranes hanging head on both sides of the bed transverse distance running + / - 550 - mm.

2.11, bridge mounted cranes bearing load capacity 250 kg or more, under the blue hoisting capacity 150 kg or more.

2.12, the structure of the frame bridge crane tower has davit type, davit length 1000 mm or more.

2.13 requirement, configuration information:

1) under the blue: hanging head hanger, equipped with equipment tray on the second floor, drawer is smoked pull 1, 2 sets; Davit, equipped with 2 equipment tray, drawer is smoked pull 1, 2 sets;

2) double joint rotation stretch arms, arms six sets of 300 mm + 300 mm long;

3) the height is adjustable transfusion six sets of bar;

4) the gas outlet: oxygen x2, air x1, x2, negative pressure 2 sets; Oxygen x3, x2, air suction x3, 2 sets;

5) power outlet: power socket x7, 2 sets; Power outlet x12, 2 sets;

6) network interface: 2, 2 sets; 4, 2 sets;

7) band and fixture ensure pipe, line orderly humanization device.

(2) of NICU cranes (B) 6

1, the crane tower crane column rotation Angle 330 ° or higher

2, net weight 100 kg, or by IEC 60601-1 2 nd edition 4 times bearing test. Provide supporting documents.

3, under the blue use three sides prismatic davit type structure, the davit three sides can install circular steel tube boom, boom may install tray, rotating infusion rod, monitor arms and other accessories, davit length 1000 mm or more. The official seal image text documents provide manufacturer.

4, tray, rotating infusion rod, a display arms can be adjusted through the hoop arbitrary, adjust the height on the derrick after not leave gaps in the original position. The official seal image text documents provide manufacturer.

5, pallet with guide rail, suitable for installation hanging all kinds of top, oxygen device, negative pressure device. The official seal image text documents provide manufacturer.

6, configuration requirements:

(1) equipped with equipment tray on the second floor, six sets of;

(2) the drawer is smoked pull 1, 6 sets of;

(3) the joint extended arm rotated 2, arms 300 mm + 300 mm long, 6 sets of;

(4) height adjustable infusion rod 2, 6 sets of.




  人:胡宁 李保东



电  话:8280008882800099-839

传  真:82800022


E mailtenderee@163.com

